Tops jobs for economics major

Hello,  a special welcome to all my econ majors out there. It is good to see you today now if you guys didn't know I am currently an economics student I am in my second year at the university now in this video we'll be going over eight different jobs. If you're looking for the one that makes the most money it is number eight but hey watch all eight don't just skip ahead you got to know all your options.

Here number one is compensation and benefits manager which we'll be making about a hundred and six thousand five hundred and seventy-four dollars these are my notes. Here in case, you're wondering what I'm looking at and essentially what this is and what you will do at this job you will analyze a company and kind of set up the payment structures that will say. Hey here are the benefits here's how much we're paying you and these are important to companies because it's a big part of their balance sheet and you look at the expenses and say this is how much we should be paying. What we should be offering our employees?

Number two is a personal financial advisor and these people are making about one hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred forty dollars and the name kind of talks about and explains what the job is. But here you'll just be helping people with their finances may be giving recommendations and things.

Number three is an economic policy analyst which will be making about seventy-four thousand six hundred and three dollars and as the name suggests what you do here is you propose different economic ideas oftentimes to government officials and government agencies you do this by looking at trends in the nation spending habits and things like that say. Hey this Losh we put in place is what I recommend and things like that so very interesting field.

Number four is a financial analyst and the salary for them that's going to be about eighty-four thousand three hundred dollars. Now if you look at what are common jobs for economic majors, you'll see a lot of jobs that have analysts at the end and if you think about it makes sense oftentimes. What economic majors are very good at is anal in large data and making sense of it. So Financial Analysts is a big one that I'm talking about here there are also things like a budget analyst or a credit analyst and things like that. So, a bunch of different analyst jobs that you can look at within different fields and with different companies.

Number five, and this one is a business reporter or maybe a business journalist. As an economics major, you get a really good idea and you start to hone in on how you can make complex things very simple and that's what you'll do with this job. You'll take complex economic ideas and simplify them down and Valerie for you are going to be about sixty-four thousand even hundred and one dollars. Now this is a job that I am looking into and with the rapid journal, it's almost kind of what I'm doing and it's just the idea of taking complex things and just trying to simplify them and have people chew on them that maybe aren't within the financial world. That normally wouldn't understand it. So, it's a very rewarding job especially if you enjoy maybe being on TV or if you're very good at writing. It

it's something you should look into number six and that is an actuary a salary will be about one hundred and one thousand five hundred and sixty-four dollars and essentially what you do is an actuary. You'll usually work for an insurance company or something like that and you'll look over risk specifically statistics relating to the risk of a certain offense happening and you can recommend policy or financial situations for the insurance companies because all insurance companies care about it. What is the risk of this happening how much money can we give this person, give this individual, give this company, and you will just look over all the finances and make recommendations and analyze all the data?

Number seven is a loan officer and notice I have accelerated about seventy-six thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. Now if you've ever gotten alone maybe a home loan or even a car loan. You'll kind of know what this is and what loan operations do if they look at your finances and they say what may be your best options are whether or not you. Might be able to get this loan they may use some kind of creative financing ideas to say hey how can we make this work and things like that. So, it's another great way to look at if you enjoy kind of large data and being somewhat creative with your finances and things like that.

Alright, number eight and as I promised in the beginning this is the highest paying one. 

Is a financial manager going to be about one hundred and forty-three thousand dollars in five hundred and thirty cents? Now, what is the financial manager doing well that's a very broad question and different ones do different things but essentially, what a financial manager does? They will have maybe a team under them or they will work with a team and they will look over. The finances maybe even are of an individual or a certain firm or a big business and they will write up statements. They will look at all of the budgets. They will try to balance the budget. They will make recommendations that may be investments. That the certain company should make. So, it's a big job with a big spectrum of different things you have to do. Now if you are just a bachelor's in economics. This job may be a little bit harder than you can get maybe like a team member job or something like that under the financial manager. But oftentimes a little bit of higher education is required. Here more experience is required and things like that it is a little bit more of a bigger a job that we just require a little bit more experience and maybe academic history. So just be sure to look online and see exactly what you have to do. Maybe become a financial manager alright so those are the top eight jobs that I saw for economics majors. Now of course this was kind of objective when finding these I tried to find diverse jobs. So, I can give you a kind of a big picture idea of all the different possibilities. This is one of the things I love about economics is there are so many different ways that you can take your major. So many different fields that you can enter so many different kinds of job titles job positions that you can look at and as far as the actual wages that I said here the actual salary mounts those do a change of course from business to business. They may change and also the location they may change so be sure to look in your area to see what are the top jobs for economics majors. Now as I said there are so many and this eight is just the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to jobs for economics majors. So, I do want to know what maybe when I missed or if you guys have any other recommendations for jobs and maybe how much they're making a starting salary or if there are a lot of economics majors. Out there so what are you looking at? What jobs maybe if you work or do you see economics majors employed? I'd love to hear about it I am an economics major. So, I'm very passionate about this kind of thing. Just let me know in the comments below. Hope it was helpful.


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